Limit all processes CPU load: cpulimit

Accidentally, yesterday I found something I was looking for for a long time. From time to time it happens, that some process or application hangs up whole system by using all CPU available. Than it's hard even kill it. I knew, that there was utility called cpulimit, but nowhere I found how to limit all newly started processes. Finally, I found an answer. Here it comes:

How to use it (in case page disappears):
sudo apt-get install cpulimit gawk
Then, download this file and extract contained folder to your home directory getting two files in ~/cpulimit: and cpulimit. Open and edit variables under #Variables. Then simply run these commands:
sudo cp ~/cpulimit/ /usr/bin
sudo chmod 700 /usr/bin/
sudo cp ~/cpulimit/cpulimit /etc/init.d/
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/cpulimit
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/cpulimit
sudo update-rc.d cpulimit defaults

Now, restart your computer and cpulimit daemon should be started at startup.